Welcome to my blog while im stuck sorry if it sucks lol

Below is where i fell in, i think it is the backrooms or something

Below is my setup rn, its cool but it isnt much, gad i found an off brand mac charger tho!

This is the area next to where in staying, it leads out to part of a bigger room, i dont like this at all, it creeps me the fuck out

It also had a little room just bedside the photo above, as seen in the photo below

i dont like this place

Found a couch and small tv or monitor or something as seen in the photo above

Definitely the backrooms...

i found some cardboard and a boxcutter and made the little room a little more homey, also moved the couch in there. I have food, water, and a handgun with a full magazine, i should be fine, i hope evan sees this.

i found something, my pc says it has been weeks but it has only been hours... ill try and take a photo and show you but my camera is charging very slowly.